Shopping around for auto insurance is the best way to ensure you get the best deal. But not every agent or insurance company quotes in the same way.
It’s essential to be sure you are comparing apples to apples when you compare auto insurance quotes to ensure that you are getting a great deal. That low price may come with more inadequate coverage or higher deductibles and might not be such a great deal after all. Learn how to compare auto insurance quotes for an excellent rate.
Are The Coverages The Same?
When you read over an auto insurance quote (and do read it-ask for it to be emailed or faxed to you, as mistakes can be made over the phone!), look to be sure that the numbers listed for liability limits, uninsured motorist coverage, and the comprehensive and collision deductibles match up. Then look for additional coverages listed on the quote, such as roadside assistance. Ensure that all of the quotes you compare list precisely in the same range for accurate comparison.
Is The Policy Term The Same?
Some rates look incredible until you realize the policy term is only six months. Some companies offer different policy terms as well as different payment plan options. If you plan monthly payments on your policy, ask for the monthly premium. It isn’t necessarily as simple as dividing a yearly premium by twelve. Many insurance companies charge fees for paying your premium every month, which can make the total annual cost of the policy higher than quoted.
Are The Discounts The Same?
An auto insurance rate may appear lower because it was quoted with a discount such as auto/home, which you may not necessarily qualify for or desire. If you don’t plan to take out a homeowner’s policy with the same company, ensure they haven’t quoted it that way. Also, check for other discounts; they won’t all match up, as every company offers different discount options. The best thing to do is to compare which deals you qualify for with each company to help determine who is offering the best discounts. Be on the lookout for discounts that don’t apply to you and will likely be removed by underwriting after you accept the policy.
A good quote will be simple, straightforward, and easy to read. It will outline all the coverage in the quote and apply only those discounts you genuinely qualify for. An inaccurately low rate in the selection won’t do much good if it changes once you accept the policy.