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Insurance and Your Home Get Together

Are you hosting a family reunion or neighborhood party at your house or perhaps an apartment? Before you have that big event in your home, it’s wise in this litigious age to ensure you are protected.

You need to know what your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy covers if a guest is injured. You should also know what is covered if your guest damages your property.

We all have that one uncle who drinks a little too much at Thanksgiving and then stumbles into something valuable and breaks it.  It would be unfortunate if you were under the impression that your insurance policy covered such incidents when they were not.

Here are some things you will want to ensure are in your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy.

How to Deal with Injuries to Guests at Your Party

Be Proactive

  • The first way to deal with injuries to your guests at your party is to prevent them. Here are some things to look for in your home:
  • Ensure the carpet or rugs are not bunched up where someone could trip.
  • Coil up any garden hoses so they will not become a trip hazard.
  • Mow your lawn so there are no holes or trip hazards hidden by tall grass.
  • Make sure guests are not walking across a slippery surface.
  • Remove any objects with sharp edges or points that could cut or bruise a guest.
  • Make sure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are used and have fresh batteries.
  • Be aware of impending severe weather that may make driving home unsafe for your guests. End the party early to ensure guests can go home safely if necessary.
  • Don’t allow too many guests on a small balcony at one time.
  • Ensure that furniture for the party, such as folding chairs are sturdy and won’t break under the weight of a guest.
  • Ensure the food being served is not undercooked or has been left out too long.
  • If alcohol is being served, make sure everyone drinking has a designated driver and knows when to cut someone off. If a guest has been drinking and does not have a designated driver, offer to drive them home or call a cab or Uber.
  • Stop serving alcohol at least an hour before the party ends.

When an Injury to a Guest Happens

If an accident happens, take these steps:

  • Deal with the injury first. If it is severe, call 911.
  • Make sure other guests are uninjured.
  • Take pictures of the wound with a smartphone or digital camera.
  • Quickly report the incident to the insurance company and include the names and contact information of the guest who witnessed the incident.
  • If you can, preserve the scene for the insurance company to look at firsthand. If you cannot take multiple pictures from numerous angles and distances.

When Damage to Your Home or Property Occurs

If the structure of your home or apartment is damaged or any of the property inside of it, take the following steps.

  • Take pictures with a smartphone or digital camera.
  • Call the insurance company to see if the damage is covered.
  • Just like the recommendation for an injured guest, if possible, preserve the scene for the insurance company to come and survey. As with an injured guest, if you cannot persevere to the location where the damage occurred, take multiple pictures from numerous angles and distances.

If you have made your home safe and know what your policy covers, you can rest easy when guests arrive at your party that you are prepared.

If you have any questions about Homeowners Insurance, contact us via email or at (863) 646-LOCK.

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